Some people ask, “If the programs were so great why have more then one? Great question! A few reasons actually.  One Sometimes people join programs because they were sold on what the program could do but usually people are sold on the person they are joining. IF things dont work out as expected people can fall into the inactive category and move on.  What if they find the person that has support and training that really speaks to that individual. Well it is unethical to join the same program under another person and frowned upon.

The answer to that is to join another program under that person.


The second reason is to have more then one income stream. Its better to think of this as a sales funnel which has products and services that are strategic to maximize what is call customer life cycle value, which is basically how much money you make over time with someone.  This is done off course by giving them the most value. 


What you will see below are programs that do just that and have different attributes to them that actually make them work well together. There is no right are wrong answer here just strategy and what works for peoples needs.

With that said here are some of the programs I use and why…