
How to Invite via social media prospecting

Once you leads are you have been in and active
conversation with people and they have been
properly qualified you want to invite them to
watch the video.


This is really the last qualifier but you want to ask them are they open to looking for an extra way of making money or open to side hustles. I will have al ist below of questions you can ask to start off the initial invite.

Keep in mind is that the goal is not to sell the business. The goal is to get them to watch the video. This means that if they ask what it is about or any questions let them know and assure them that this is worth the few minutes they are going to talk to watch the video and that it will answer those basic questions at least. What we do is very affordable so dont worry. Also assure then that you will be setting up a follow up appointment after.

If they want more info without watching the video then they are not qualified because truth be told they have not context for whatever you tell them and a confused mind doesnt buy so they will just default to no. So they are essentially telling you no in a round about way if they ask you questions rather then accept the link.


Once they agree to take a look. Send the link. Also you want to set up a time for them to follow up once they have seen the video.

Ask them when can they see it and are they available to talk after they see it for a quick follow up. Assure them that its ok whatever they decided and all you want is a decision if its right for them.

Quick tip book multiple appointments in the same time range. People notoriously flake and at the end of the day once they see the link you know you have there email so they will be passively followed up on.

Also dont set times past 48 hours. If they dont know then just say you will talk later. Remember these are DM’S so you can always continue a conversations

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